
Smart Cities – Safety

Smart cities use observation systems to expand traffic management and urban mobility, making streets safer and more efficient for people. Video surveillance, coupled with video analytics, is a key tool in monitoring road networks, intersections and understanding how the city moves. It provides a real-time view of traffic flow and events – including accidents, queues and crowd hotspots – that might disrupt free-flowing movement in the city. Not only does this help prevent bottlenecks or disruptions, it improves the overall safety and livability of a city.

ESI has the video analytics expertise to use deep learning to analyze data and provide insights, which can enable traffic authorities to act quickly and appropriately to solve the problem by sending aid to the accident area, planning alternative traffic routes, or removing illegally parked vehicles which could obstruct roads or entrances. Additionally, analyzing real-time and historic traffic data over time allows authorities to predict accident prone areas and improve safety accordingly.