Health & Safety

Identify critical zones and action areas with precise, real-time air quality data to safeguard public health and employees. Take proactive measures.

What We Deliver

Public Health

Air quality monitoring and analysis to identify potential problem areas for public health.

Risk Management

Real-time monitoring and alert system to protect and safeguard against hazardous gases.

Workplace health, safety and compliance

Air quality monitoring and analysis to identify potential problem areas for employee health.

Our Solutions

Plan Smarter

Confidently act on evidence to reduce emissions and protect public health.

Heat Maps and Visuals

Easy to spot problem areas and trends

Flexible Monitoring

Hardware can be configured to measure different parameters.

Why Better Air Matters

Billion $ of revenue lost globally due to poor worker health
Year by which, outdoor air pollution (particulate matter and ground-level ozone) is predicted to become the leading cause of environment-related deaths worldwide.
Pollutant concentration can be 5X or more in indoor settings compared to outdoor

Interested in learning more about how we can support your needs. Contact us to book a free consultation!