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Real-Time Air Monitoring Reduces Risk for Oil & Gas Companies

Oil & gas companies are constantly looking for opportunities to improve their operations and reduce environmental impacts while adding to their bottom-line, driven both by financial interest and oil & gas legislative regulation.

ESI helps clients manage complex environmental regulatory challenges and health and safety concerns. Amongst several capabilities, ESI’s technology has the ability to continuously monitor air quality for clients in oil and gas across the whole stream – exploration, completions, and production. This client to take site-specific air quality protection measures, to eliminate or minimize air emissions to help protect communities near oil and gas facilities.

Continuous Real-Time Air Monitoring has proven to be a vital for informed decision making to protect public health, safety, and welfare, including protection of the environment and wildlife resources.

ESI’s innovative first-of-its-kind technology also offers a cost-effective and reliable 24/7 fence-line air monitoring with real-time data access and storage through an easy-to-use secure web-based interface.

ESI’s technology allows for pinpointing the locations of emission sources, including off-site sources, and quantify their emission rates over time. In addition, integrated meteorological data combined with emissions data can be used for source apportionment reporting. This can lead to demonstrable reduction of pollutants and VOCs being emitted from infrastructure like facility tanks and resolve problems like odour (caused by VOCs), and reduce overall emissions from a facility.